Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Quick sketches and paintings!


Unknown said...

love the lightness! great job!

jordi said...

I'm glad to see a new piece,
great job!!!!!

Unknown said...

Hahahah! Fantastic, Dominic.
I have missed your work these days.
See you!

Sebastien Dieu said...

enfin de retour dominic! et tu n'a pas perdu la main joli boulot que ce Johnny Cash! j'adore ce type!


Maxime Plante said...

Bravo Dom! Superbe technique encore une fois, mais aussi il y a un espèce de côté légèrement plus «mordant» à la texture et ça me plaît beaucoup!

moon acbo said...

Bravo!! great job!!

J.BOSCO said...

excellent caricature!!!
J.Bosco, Brasil

Zaff said...

nice !!! really nice


c'est bien marrant toutes ces caricatures

sensei said...

great as always. you and jason seiler are the best that I have ever seen. jleal also.

Sebastien Dieu said...

Ton Bush est extraordinaire Dominic, il a pas mal pris en 8 ans de mandat!

Mike Eppe said...

Salut Dominic!
2008 tu nous a impressionné avec un rhytme affolant et une qualité effrayante.
2009 tu fais dans le multitache... :)
J'aime toujours voir comment ton travail commence (Bush).
Où est donc passé Woody Allen?
A bientôt

mannisi-axel said...

un grand fan de ron jeremy?

Francisco Martins said...

Dude, you keep getting better and better. every visit is a wonderful surprise, this is brilliant!

Francisco Martins

Unknown said...

I am glad I clicked over to this blog after seeing your comment on mine. Great work. I will add you to the list of artists whose skill I hope to catch up to one day.

deniseletter said...

Love these,excellent works!!!

Anonymous said...

Woah!! Yet another great pieces. Do you have any tutorials for the painting? That would be awesome. May be some day.

Hugo Freutel said...

The best Bush I have seen so far. Great!

Edward Burton said...

They are all EXCELLENT!

Brad said...

wow! these are fabulous!!!!

Yuri Wolkovich said...

Great! Louis is my favorite =)