You must have seen this one somewhere before.
I did this one 12 years ago.
Medium used: Airbrush
To do this kind of work I was simply using 3 colors...Cadmium Yellow, Bright red and ultramarine blue (All transparent) + some smoke gray and black
I only had a day to complete it.
It made the front cover of the magazine and it went sold out.
I wanted to share this job with you guys!!!
Okay rub it in why don't you!!!!
You were that good 10 years ago, god help us all.
Fantastic work.
naill is right!!!
to reach your level we have to wait for next ten years ohhhhhhhhhhhhh godddddddd!!
Oh! Old airbrush works, awesome! Reminds me feeling of the use airbrush,
I has useless very long time.
ROFLAO!!! This is why you're a Superstar in illustration and caricatures!
hahahaha! look at those magumbos!
ur stuff always makes me burst out into uncontrollable laughter.. thankfully it's usually in the privacy of my own home :)
Oh my!! She's beautiful! I just love! ^___^
LA version of Mona Lisa! Made me smile!
I am flattered by the compliment coming from a big virtuoso as you. Régis.
one word for your work... "WOW"... lol... :))
THAT WAS YOU! love, love, love!
Badd ass blog man!
thanks for stopping by man.
No, no, landscape is so oldfashioned! ;)
great pieces,
wondefull work !!!!!!!!
Hilarious!! Teehehe. Perfect :-D
Wow, you da man! Love it!
haha...sensational Dom !
now THATS some bewbies...
Yeiks! Blond hair? She looks so much better now! hehe!
Fantastic Dom! No wonder it went sold out!
PS: Were aliens around 10 years ago??? :P
Que de souvenirs mon cher... heureusement qu'à l'époque je n'ai pas su que tu avais fait en si peu de temps avec seulement 3 couleurs (au airbrush en plus... ffff), j'aurais quitté le métier...
Je m'incline devant autant de talent, Dominic!
Hé ben mon vieux, si j'avais su à l'époque que tu avais fait ca en si peu de temps, si peu de couleurs et au airbrush de surcroit, j'aurais quitté le métier sur le champs pour aller vendre des chars usagers...
Je m'incline devant autant de talent, Dominic!
oh Dominic!
If you get a free minute take a quick peek at my last post. I think you may get a great laugh!
your friend,
Thanx alot everyone for your kind words!!!!!
You are my inspiration!!!!
now I understand Y everyone loves her...lol...shes great, good job
Holy crap man! Nice stuff! Thanks for the comment btw.
Je ne connaissais pas ta version "blonde" de la Joconde (je devais être sur Mars à cette époque-là), c'est sympa de l'avoir partagé avec nous sur ton blog. J'aime bien l'idée de poster de temps en temps des "anciens" travaux (comme le font par exemple Deloire ou Philippe Claeys) sur un blog. Et merci de ton passage sur mon blog.
thanx, i like your stuff..pretty cool!
thanx, i like your stuff...pretty cool!
Very cool to see some of your past work!
No Coments!! HAHAHHHAH..Hilarious
hahah im gonna think of this everytime i see the mona lisa now... which is a good thing
could not stop laughing!
OH YEAH MONA! lol Can't believe you did that in one day. Incredible.
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