Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jazz vocalist Billie Holiday! (Charcoal drawing on paper)


paolo_gaspare said...

your use of charcoal is astonishing!


Nelson Santos said...

Fantastic Dominic.

Daniel Bejarano Casarino said...

Great job Dominic, this face is perfect, 100% hiperrealistic!

Unknown said...

what the.... are you sure you're not a reincarnated DaVinci or someone?

SEILER said...

Excellent . . . I want to see more traditional work . . . great work!

Attractive Art Community (Big Sam) said...


Unknown said...

magnifique du grand art

Juan M. Santana said...


pablo pablo said...

Great man!!!

john said...

Dominic that is beautiful......

Eric Zampieri said...

Lady Day!

Great portrait of a great artist

I like to much this angel of Harlem

Lénaïc said...

Complètement fou !

Damion009 said...


Mug It Up!/Jim H said...

Terrific! I'll bet it's even better in person!

manohead said...

great job

Scott said...

Charcoal???? Amazing, really is.

Scott said...

Charcoal???? Amazing, really is.

Thierry COQUELET said...

C'est absolument remarquable !

Eugen Caitaz said...

Hello dear Dominik!!!! Maybe you can draw a caricature for me. I will send you my foto with face. If you are agree with me-let me know. I 'll send you.

My face will be a little working "poligon" for you.

Mike Eppe said...

Superbe ! :)

Patrick Strogulski said...

Fantastic piece!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

wonderful work Dominic - and charcoal - stunning !

Jorge Restrepo H. said...


The Word Illustrated said...

Absolutely amazing! I half expect to see her chest rise~

Francisco Martins said...

you r a drawing GOD!

douce said...

They've said it all-- but I just have to confer, this is gorgeous!

justdoodleit said...

Fantastic gorgeousness!

Luke Watson said...

Amazing, I've been away from your blog for a while and what a way to suck me right back in again.