Here's the poster I did for the annual exhibition 1001 Visages to be held in Montreal March 14th. This exhibition will includes several of the talented cartoonist from Quebec. All information concerning the event are featured on the poster!
Hope to see and meet you there!
BTW... Un gros merci à Robert Lafontaine!

This is the original painting.

The original sketch.

Amazing painting man, and very fun version of rockwell!
Nice composition.
Oh slick with the Rockwell homage!
Great job Dominic, nicely done!
nice work Dominic
OMG!!! I think this is one of your very best masterpieces!
This is so great Dominic you did a terrific job with Rockwell's picture!
Congrats for your Jobs, really goods, if you could see my jobs, visit my blog ok? Hugs
Congrats for your jobs, amazing.
Ha ha, I told you! When I saw the little tease I knew it!
Great work!
Beautiful as always, just don't tell me this was a one day piece as well!
Wow. You are an inspiration. Medium?
Looks great! Always a fun theme to riff on!
Tu as su conserver l'énergie qui se dégage de l'oeuvre de Norman Rockwell, et y insufler un humour que l'artiste n'aurait sans doute pas renié. Ce travail est en tout point remarquable !
Fantastic Dominic !
Cela me rappelle une affichequ'avait realisé Maester...
Sympa !
great great job!
Soooooooooooooo Cool!!!!!!!! :)
This is one of the funniest (and best) things I've seen in a long time. Hilarious! - Wag (
How do you transfer? light table ? just curious.
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